Politics Trolling

Representative Dan Gordon rejoins anonymous, gets trolled off tinychat

a robotic voice booms:

you don't really join anonymous. we are not an organization.
you can only associate yourself with them.

He kept pretending not to hear what I was asking, “Representative Dan Gordon, I recall you claiming to have joined Anonymous, what ever happened with that?”

“HOW DO YOU JOIN ANONYMOUS” he shouted with turgid eyes, desperately searching for the way out (or in?).

He made excuse that needed to reboot and never came back, surrendering the channel to


tylerbass: hey
[12:45 AM] tylerbass: damned interwebs
[12:45 AM] terribleauthor: he’s pretending like he can’t hear this
[12:45 AM] hotspace: rep did you join anonymous is the question
[12:46 AM] terribleauthor: LOL REBOOT
[12:46 AM] tylerbass: that’s up with us getting too close, danRep. Dan Gordon joins Anonymous [12:46 AM] terribleauthor: that’s the question
[12:46 AM] tylerbass: TOO CLOSE
[12:46 AM] terribleauthor: you said you joined
[12:46 AM] guest-300397 entered the room.
[12:46 AM] tylerbass: hahaha
[12:46 AM] terribleauthor: you were like “yeah I am joining anonymous” when I asked you before
[12:46 AM] mssamanthamarie: we are all anonymous remember
[12:46 AM] jblb91: he probably did that answer was pretty conspicuous lmao
[12:46 AM] guest-300397 changed nickname to 14
[12:46 AM] hotspace: too funny
[12:46 AM] weareuhnonymous left the room.
[12:46 AM] guest-300274 left the room.
[12:46 AM] wearuhnonymous: its not so much a group as its an idea
[12:46 AM] tylerbass: it’s like the mob, man. one way in. no way out.
[12:47 AM] hotspace left the room.
[12:47 AM] 14 left the room.
[12:47 AM] repdangordon left the room.
[12:47 AM] guest-300424 entered the room.
[12:47 AM] mssamanthamarie: lol tyler
[12:47 AM] tylerbass: i’ve learned a lot today
[12:47 AM] tylerbass: about liberty, freedom
[12:47 AM] jblb91: why he live
[12:47 AM] jblb91: leave lol
[12:48 AM] terribleauthor: HE REBOOTED LOL
[12:48 AM] jblb91: ohhh ok
[12:48 AM] tylerbass: that was wrong
[12:48 AM] uhhnonymous: welp im off nigs
[12:48 AM] tylerbass: FLYNN!
[12:48 AM] mssamanthamarie: tty guys later :)
[12:48 AM] uhhnonymous: Lol i like the dude
[12:49 AM] terribleauthor: I have strangely mixed feelings about him
[12:49 AM] mssamanthamarie left the room.
[12:49 AM] uhhnonymous: i was just saying you don’t join anonymous, its more of associating with them
[12:49 AM] terribleauthor: we might have a child molester writing for
[12:49 AM] terribleauthor: yeah it was giving me the lols
[12:49 AM] uhhnonymous: what makes you say that? lo
[12:49 AM] uhhnonymous: l
[12:50 AM] terribleauthor: there was total confusion, and then that robotic voice spouting canned phrases about anony
[12:50 AM] uhhnonymous: lol
[12:50 AM] guest-300424 left the room.
[12:51 AM] terribleauthor: trolle


Intense outpouring of hate

Lush RimjobDuring an AmWay pitch


I hear you all talking about me behind my back. I know them things you been saying about me. You think I’m a punk.
You think I’m going to back down?

Shit, I own a fucking business. (Emphasis added) I will rape the teeth out of your mouth until all I’m left fucking is a complaining, bloody gumhole. And then I’ll come for your slutty daughter.

RAPING ALL THE DAUGHTERS – that’s my business. (Emphasis added)


Local Special Interest succumbs to adoring masses, foreclosure

In the face of foreclosure, Chronicle staff research carnal knowledge from deep within a mortgaged volcano base.
In the face of foreclosure, Chronicle staff research carnal knowledge from deep within a mortgaged volcano base.

Chronicle HQ, Bolivia–, or The Elf Wax Phoenix which arose from the burning flames of a better website, is celebrating Chronicle Day, the journal’s Holy Day of Praise. Dubbed C-Day, the annual holiday is a special time when throngs of teenage women thrust themselves into the iron gates of Lebal Drocer, Inc.

As salmon casting their bodies upstream, tides of fresh young women offer themselves in sacrifice to Veritus, God of Truth, eagerly vying to feed his demands. Seeking a cut of the criminal activity – and Bolivian cocaine – thought to be horded deep within Chronicle Mountain, many of these women have attained super bitch powers granting them the means to cast off their skin as dead ringers, and hunt us in the 4th dimension.

At sundown, a robed figure approached the electronic security gate, allowing a harem of six young women inside, most of them legal. Fifteen minutes later, the girls are presumed missing.

Found inside are thought to be all manner of freedoms, some of them American.

“I think they’re holed up in there doing drugs,” said Chief Daniel Spoktane of an unnamed paramilitary force, whose agents are stretched thin around the 14 kilometer electrified perimeter of “And I think there’s a pretty good chance they could be having fun.”

Chief Spoktane indicated plans to subjugate the website by individually arresting each member of one by one.

“We aren’t sure what they owe on a volcanic base like this,” he said, “but the banks have already foreclosed on it so we’re here to bag ’em up and ship ’em out.”

Most official business takes place inside a fortified safe room through which authorities will have to cut open, like a bunch of n00b construction workers; that is, assuming spies don’t sap our sentries, in which case we’re fucked.


At we take our jobs seriously.
One glance at our track record will tell you we mean business.

Fucking criminal-ass bitches, and telling you the truth.”